Quality of Life
SURVEYTime is nothing if it’s spent suffering. We want quality time over quantity of time – ALWAYS. Your entire household should participate in evaluating your pet’s QOL. This is an emotional situation – you can’t expect to be accurate or unbiased. Get help from your friends, family and veterinary team!
Basic Quality of Life Scale:
1. We want them eating
2. We don’t want them vomiting
3. We want them clean and dry
4. We don’t want them in pain
5. We don’t want them anxious or afraid
6. They need to still love and hate all the things they usually love and hate
7. They need to have more good days than bad.
If your pet is missing any of these, we need to act – either to relieve their discomfort or to help them pass away. Remember, there is always something we can do!

Quality of Life Evaluation Survey
Please complete our extensive QOL evaluation below. It is helpful to have all members of the household participate while completing the form.