When you call Helping Hands Pet Hospice:
You can contact us via email (info@hhphospice.com)Â or phone (727-210-5517) 7 days a week. We respond as quickly as we can. Calls made to us after 4pm will be returned by the next day unless our voicemail says otherwise (holidays, vacation, etc). Our Facebook page will also have updates on availability.
We are happy to answer questions and talk to you about your pet’s quality of life. Please understand that without a physical examination, we cannot give you specific advice about your pet’s medical care. Weekend and evening appointments are available on a limited basis. The more notice you give us, the better the chance that we can get to you after hours.
If you schedule a house call pet palliative care/hospice or pet euthanasia appointment, the veterinarian may bring an assistant or technician to help. For everyone’s safety, please allow our staff to handle your pet for examinations and injections. For pet euthanasia appointments, you will be able to hold your pet immediately following the sedative injection. If your pet is fearful or doesn’t like to be handled, please let us know ahead of time so we can make arrangements to reduce their stress level.

Photograph provided by Laurie Meehan-Elmer.
Pet Palliative Care Appointments:
Pet palliative care is for patients who do not have a terminal illness but have a condition that will eventually lead to euthanasia. The most common of these conditions is arthritis. Large dogs that are painful can be extremely difficult to move. A ride in the car could set them back for days. Painful cats often show their pain by misbehaving in the clinic. A frantic cat can easily hurt itself or someone else when they are painful. If your pet needs comfort care for arthritis or other conditions that decrease quality of life, we can help!
We start all visits with a virtual quality of life consultation to get history, answer your questions, and ensure your pet is a good candidate for our services. If we agree that a hospice/palliative visit is appropriate, we will schedule a visit to your home for a physical examination. The cost of the vQOL is subtracted from the cost of the house call as long as they take place within one week of each other. We will need your records from your veterinarian (including lab results and doctor’s notes) sent to info@hhphospice.com or faxed to 866-622-6461 beforehand for review. At the visit, we’ll talk about your pet’s condition, a physical examination will be performed by a Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Veterinarian, and recommendations will be made for care.
Please click here to learn more about palliative care from Dr. Buisson’s videos and podcasts.
Pet Hospice Appointments:
Pet hospice is for patients who have a terminal disease. We shift from trying to cure them to keep them comfortable and happy. We also strive to ensure that the bond between you is preserved by supporting you during this difficult time.
We start all visits with a virtual quality of life consultation to get history, answer your questions, and ensure your pet is a good candidate for our services. If we agree that a hospice/palliative visit is appropriate, we will schedule a brief visit to your home for a physical examination. The cost of the vQOL is subtracted from the cost of the house call as long as they take place within one week of each other. We will need your records from your veterinarian (including lab results and doctor’s notes) sent to info@hhphospice.com or faxed to 866-622-6461 beforehand for review. At the visit, we’ll talk about your pet’s condition, a physical examination will be performed by a Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Veterinarian, and recommendations will be made for care. If you consider euthanasia, that service can be performed at any hospice visit. The only additional charge will be for cremation.
Please click here to learn more about hospice care from Dr. Buisson’s videos and podcasts.
Pet Euthanasia Appointments:
You do not have to have a hospice appointment before in-home euthanasia. All new patients must have a brief physical examination before sedation unless they are aggressive. If you are unsure if euthanasia is appropriate, then we can address your concerns at this time. You may decide to return to your veterinarian, have a palliative/hospice consultation with me, or proceed with euthanasia. We will support you in whatever decision you make.
We will have you sign a consent form if you choose to euthanize your pet. Part of that form is a waiver that your pet has not recently bitten anyone or had contact with wildlife. If your pet has bitten you or another person, it is essential that you let us know before we set an appointment.
Euthanasia visits can occur at your home (inside or outside) or a location special to you and your pet. Appointments typically last 20-45 minutes (we schedule every patient for an hour, just in case you need it). All pets will receive oral and/or injectable sedation to relax them before euthanasia. If your pet is eating and not vomiting, having special treats or table food available to distract them can ease this process. The injection is given under the skin and may sting for a brief moment. After that, your pet will fall asleep (sometimes, they even snore). Once they are sleeping and you are ready, the final injection will be given. Your family will be given time to say goodbye to your pet. If you need more or less time, feel free to say so.
The doctor or technician will provide you with a lock of your pet’s fur and a PawPals keepsake paw print before leaving. If you would like more than one, please let us know.
Helping Hands can arrange for the cremation of your pet, whether we euthanize your pet or they pass naturally at home. The doctor or technician will prepare your pet for transport in a basket or on a stretcher. A paw print and lock of fur will be provided if you would like. You are welcome to come out to the car to say goodbye. If you prefer to make your own arrangements, please let us know. If you aren’t sure what to do, just ask – we are here to help.
Have a question?
We’re here to help. Please complete the form and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. If you would like to schedule an appointment or consultation, please click here to fill out a registration form. If this is an emergency situation, please call us at 727-210-5517.