Zip codes: 33527 33547 33563 33565 33566 33567 33570 33573 33584 33592 33594 33596 33598 33550 33564 33571 33575 33583 33586 33587 33595 33576 34667 34669 33537 33574 33593 34674 34679 34201 34202 34217 34216 34218

Pricing In Your Area

We accept cash, personal checks, credit cards, CareCredit, and Scratchpay.

House Call Pet Euthanasia Visits

House Call $475 Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
$50 additional outside those days/hours.


  • Additional pet euthanasia at same visit: $250.
  • Aggressive or extremely anxious pets requiring special handling: $150.

Aftercare (Cremation)

We use Pet Angel
The doctor or technician will transport your pet and will treat them with dignity and respect at all times.

Private Cremation (ashes returned to your veterinarian)

  • Pocket Pets under 2 pounds (rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, etc): $125
  • Under 50 pounds: $325
  • Under 90 pounds: $350
  • 90-120 pounds: $400

*​If your pet weighs more than we are able to transport, or if a large pet (90 pounds or over) requires transport after hours, we will provide you with contact information for a local crematory that can arrange to pick up your pet after our visit.

Communal Cremation (NO return of ashes)

  • Pocket Pets: $50
  • Under 50 pounds: $180
  • Under 90 pounds: $200
  • 90-120 pounds: $250

*​If your pet weighs more than we are able to transport, or if a large pet (90 pounds or over) requires transport after hours, we will provide you with contact information for a local crematory that can arrange to pick up your pet after our visit.

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Helping Hands Pet Hospice


Cherie T. Buisson, DVM, CHPV
P.O. Box 3271
Seminole, FL

Phone: 727-210-5517


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House Calls

House Call Hospice Care and Pet Euthanasia
Hospice appointments run 1-3 hours.
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Aftercare (Cremation)

Communal and Private Cremation
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Together we can do so many great things!

For over 50 years the AVMF has been developing resources to advance the science and practice of veterinary medicine to improve animal and human health. Charitable contributions and support to the Foundation help veterinarians help animals.

Helping Hands Pet Hospice has a fund through AVMF for clients who can’t afford to say goodbye at home. Please click below to donate.

LSH Silver Certification Logo
Low Stress Handling Certified

This logo signifies that the professionals caring for your pet have learned scientifically-based techniques to reduce stress in animals.

Have a question?


We’re here to help. Please complete the form and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. If you would like to schedule an appointment or consultation, please click here to fill out a registration form. If this is an emergency situation, please call us at 727-210-5517.

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